Monday, February 27, 2017

Byrdband – Offering running tips for beginners!

Good running tips are essential for beginners seeking to begin their training. Having the right guide can be a priceless asset to athletes seeking to go pro or even to those who just want to pursue running as a long-term activity. Different people take up different forms of the sport for varying reasons. But they all have one thing in common – the need for perfect arm swing for running. This is one key aspect all runners, whether marathon or middle-distance runners or even sprinters for that matter, have in common. Once you’ve got your arm swing technique right, working toward developing more advanced skills as part of your running technique becomes much easier and much more fruitful. Getting it wrong at the start, proceeding with incorrect technique, realizing your mistake only to go back and start over can be a very painful experience.

That is why Byrdband has come up with innovative products to help you train in the right manner and help you deliver the best possible results. Our products such as the Arm Swing trainer are meant for use by beginners as well as professional athletes. Not only does it teach you how to develop the right action but it also helps you hone your technique to perfection. This product will teach you how to hold your arms at the proper position while running to help you develop the most efficient running technique. Different aspects pertaining to friction and aerodynamics have been taken into consideration while developing this product to ensure minimum obstruction and maximum speed. The product is light and easy to use and has been designed for durability that is guaranteed to last for a very long time.

Our Arm trainer is made of poly-elastic webbing that is designed to attach to the athlete’s bicep crease (at the top of the bicep) and to the wrist or alternatively, the hand. It is very flexible and has been developed keeping in mind various fitting needs of different athletes, which is why athletes and runners need not worry since they can be adjusted to fit all sizes. Our product is designed to teach athletes and runners the proper arm swing for running by eliminating the crossing of the arm across the body midline, the possibility of the running carrying the arms too low or not moving the arms at all while running. Any one of these events could impact the running action of an athlete or a runner in an adverse manner.

This particular product can be very beneficial to different kinds of athletes and can be used for speed training, marathon training, sprinters, distance as well as middle-distance runners, or any other running sport. Made from very durable poly-elastic webbing, it offers athletes the perfect fit and comfort as well as durability for the long term. For those athletes or runners who are in search of the proper arm swing for running, this is probably the best way to begin. It is easy to use and is designed for all types of runners.

All it takes is the will to want to develop those skills. What are you waiting for? Pick up one right away and improve your technique today!